Is Your Workplace Causing You to be Sick?

A woman experiencing headache from indoor air pollution in the workplace

Many of the same indoor air quality (IAQ) issues exist at workplace in the same way they do at home. The number and kind of pollution sources in indoor air might vary based on a workplace’s lifestyle and working environment. Many occupational health problems are caused by indoor air pollution, and for this reason, it is critical to keep the air within the office clean and safe.

Health Effects of Poor IAQ at the Workplace

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) at work may endanger your health as an employee. Indoor air pollution can worsen allergies or asthma and cause nausea and discomfort. These symptoms can lead to poor work performance and productivity, as well as a negative impact on your well-being. 

Employer’s Responsibility on IAQ at the Workplace

Employers are responsible for setting up a safe and healthy work environment. Poor indoor air quality can harm your employees’ health, which subsequently can result in lower productivity and potential safety hazards. Employers can prevent healthcare spending for IAQ-related illnesses if they take the appropriate actions to improve workplace air quality.

The following are examples of the things that may impact the quality of workplace indoor air:

Cleaning or Disinfecting Solutions

Many cleaning and disinfection products contain chemicals that decrease indoor air quality. Even though these treatments maintain the workplace clean yet some of the chemicals may have a negative impact on the employees’ health. Although we must maintain the cleanliness and safety of our employees, companies must also ensure that the items we use are not damaging to our health. Alternatively, employers can choose solutions which are made of natural and non-toxic materials.

Environmental Tobacco Smoke 

Employees and employers should avoid smoking indoors. If, however, this is unavoidable, employers need to increase ventilation in areas where smoking occurs. Smoking generates a large number of pollutants. Natural ventilation does not remove them from your home’s air as rapidly as they accumulate.

Printer and Copy Machines

Laser printers produce a lot of fine particulate particles. In a tight space, inadequate ventilation systems make it difficult for air to flow and exhaust dangerous contaminants out. Printer particles are so small that they can enter the circulatory system and lungs almost immediately, where they can have serious consequences.

What Can Employers Do to Keep the Workplace safe? 

The employer is accountable for the air quality in the workplace. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure”. In the long term, it is more cost-effective to test and improve air quality regularly rather than having to pay for sick leave, remediate, or worst of all, pay additional money in the event of legal actions taken by employees who suffered from the health implications as a result of indoor air pollution.

Indoor Air Quality Assessment at the Workplace

The evaluation of indoor air quality (IAQ) is critical for determining the level of pollutants present in indoor air, which can have an impact on employee productivity and well-being. ENVIRO Group Asia is the leading provider of indoor air quality and workforce safety. Our IAQ Assessment follows the 2010 Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality published by the Malaysian Ministry of Human Resources’ Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH).

How Do We Conduct An In-Depth IAQ Assessment?

  1. Thorough evaluation of the entire building/selected sections.
  2. Inspection of the Air Duct System and the Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) System.
  3. Questionnaires for building occupants in order to assess the health risks in terms of IAQ.
  4. Perform on-site IAQ sampling, collection, and testing.
  5. Laboratory microbiological contamination tests.
  6. Detailed IAQ assessment reports approved by DOSH registered IAQ Assessor.

To sum up, indoor air quality should undoubtedly be one of the top objectives in the workplace because it has a direct impact on employees’ health and well-being. Poor indoor air quality increases the risk of a wide range of health problems, including respiratory illnesses. As a result, it is critical that companies take the appropriate steps to improve indoor air quality. Understanding the causes and effects of indoor air pollution is the first step in this process, and it will help employers understand why prevention is vital and what they can do to help.

To learn more on ENVIRO Indoor Air Quality Assessment, click the link below.

Additionally, to obtain more information on how to get Indoor Air Quality Assessment for your workplace, contact or visit, and our technical specialists will be happy to help. The ENVIRO Group’s toll-free number is 1-800-88-7900.