What to Do Before, During and After Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine?

After a long, stressful encounter with the COVID-19 virus, the entire world is finally relieved to get access to the vaccines. Getting a Covid-19 vaccine is essential as it protects against the COVID-19 virus. The approved vaccines are carefully evaluated for safety and efficacy. Furthermore, they also make the infection less severe if you contract the virus after vaccination.

As you get jabbed at your turn, you must know the expected side effects and practice the safety protocols before and after vaccination. We have some crucial tips for you as you wait your turn to be vaccinated.


Before vaccination

1)     Do your research

  • Learn more about the different types of COVID-19 vaccines and how they work and how vaccinations are being rolled out within your area.
  • Make sure you’re relying on accurate vaccine information by checking that it comes from a trustworthy source, like your Ministry of Health, WHO or UNICEF.
  • Cross-check vaccine information that you find online, particularly if it comes from unknown sources.
  • If you have any doubts, talk to staff at your nearest Health Facility, or a health worker. 


2)     Prepare your things

Make sure you have:

  •       A mask that covers your nose and mouth – and fits tightly and comfortably. More guidance on masks here.
  •       Hand sanitizer.
  •       The notification you received about your appointment.
  •       Your ID.
  •       A travel plan, to get to your appointment on time.
  •       Wear loose or short sleeves that can be rolled up easily, so that health workers have easy access to your arm.
  •       Tell your health provider, or vaccinator, if you have any health issues or are taking any medications, including any pain killers.


3)     Cancel your appointment if you have COVID-19 or the symptoms

If you have COVID-19, or the symptoms, on the day of your vaccination appointment, do not go to the appointment. This is because you could spread the virus to others at the vaccination centre.

Get in touch with your vaccination centre, by message, phone or email to let them know you will not be attending your appointment because you have COVID-19 symptoms. You can get vaccinated when it has been 14 days since you last experienced COVID-19 symptoms.


At the vaccination centre

When waiting in line outside of the vaccination centre, and once you are inside:

  • Keep your mask on at all times.
  • Don’t touch your mask once it’s on and properly fitted.
  • Keep at least 1 metre distance between yourself and others.
  • Sanitise or wash your hands after touching door handles, surfaces or furniture.
  • Don’t touch your face.


During vaccination

All COVID-19 vaccines, regardless of the manufacturer, are administered in the same way. The vaccine will be injected into the muscle in your upper arm. It should take no longer than a few seconds and may cause a little pain.

Keep your mask on during your appointment and turn your face away from the face of the vaccinator — to help keep you both safe. 

If you are feeling nervous or anxious:

  • Remember that it is just a small prick that could save your life.
  • Take slow deep breaths. 
  • Look away from the needle. 


After vaccination

1)     Expect minor side effects

After being vaccinated, some side effects are normal and expected. Side effects are a sign that your body is building immune protection. 

Common side effects observed with COVID-19 vaccines include: 

  • Some pain, swelling and redness on the arm where you received the vaccine  
  • Chills or mild fever  
  • Tiredness
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain or muscle ache

These side effects typically go away within a few days.

2)     Stay at the vaccination centre for the observation period

After being vaccinated you’ll need to stay in an observation area for 15-30 minutes. 

This is to monitor your reaction to the vaccine and make sure you don’t experience any severe side effects. 

Severe side effects are very rare, but could include:

  • Itching 
  • Fainting
  • Vomiting
  • Severe allergic reaction 
  • Wheezing, difficulties in breathing or shortness of breath. 

Let a health worker know immediately if you experience any of these side effects.

Severe side effects, while very rare, are most likely to appear in the first 30 minutes after being vaccinated. Your stay in the observation area means qualified help is on hand in the unlikely event that you do experience any. 

3)     Prepare for your second vaccination appointment 

Most COVID-19 vaccines need 2 doses to work. This means you need to be vaccinated twice — with a gap of 4-12 weeks between the first and second dose.

Before you leave your first vaccination appointment, make sure you know the date of the second. 

It’s important that you get your second dose, even if you experienced side effects from the first — unless a vaccination provider, or your doctor, tells you not to get the second dose.


When you get home

1) Take care of yourself 

If you experience side effects, these may affect your ability to do daily activities for a few days.

Some people may develop fever, muscle pain and swelling, redness, pain or a tingling sensation at the site of injection, for 1-2 days. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids. 

You can take some paracetamol to help ease any of these sensations. If you do, make sure you follow the dosage instructions from the pharmacist or provider.  

If your symptoms are more severe, or last longer than a week, tell the health workers who gave you the vaccine. 

2) Care for the arm where your vaccine was injected

You can reduce any pain or discomfort in the arm where you got the vaccine, by applying a cool, clean, wet washcloth over the area.

3) Put your second vaccination appointment in your calendar

As mentioned, most COVID-19 vaccines require two doses to work. It takes time for your body to build protection and you may not be protected from the virus until two weeks after your second vaccination. 

It can be several weeks or more between your first and second appointment — so it’s important that you don’t forget!

4) Keep up preventive behaviours 

It’s important that you continue to follow preventive measures after being vaccinated. This is because COVID-19 vaccines have proven effective at stopping people developing the virus, but we don’t yet know whether they prevent people from passing infection onto others.  

Continue to protect yourself and others by:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds, or hand sanitiser — as often as you can. 
  • Keeping at least 1 metre distance between yourself and others. 
  • Meeting people in well ventilated, or outdoor spaces 
  • Wearing a mask when you can’t keep your distance from others, or are inside a public space. 

This is especially important until two weeks after your second vaccination – as during this period, your body is still building protection against the virus.


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