COVID-19 Is Airborne: Here’s How You Can Practice to Stay Safe

The coronavirus disease has affected 140,531,290 and killed 3,012,206 across 219 countries and territories in the world, according to

A recent study published said that COVID-19 causing SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was thought to spread through droplets, is primarily an airborne pathogen. This study brings us a step closer to understanding the virus, the way it spreads, and what can help prevent transmission.

Though the coronavirus is still thought to spread primarily through respiratory droplets passed from person to person, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recognizing that airborne transmission is also a threat since small particles can linger in the air for minutes to hours, be inhaled, and lead to an infection.

The CDC also acknowledges that these minuscule airborne particles can travel farther than 6 feet, particularly when people are talking, singing, or even breathing heavily in indoor environments with poor ventilation.

“Improving indoor ventilation and air quality, particularly in healthcare, work, and educational environments, will help all of us to stay safe, now and in the future.”

How to protect yourself from the airborne spread 

Handwashing, physical distancing, and donning a face mask are key safety measures to protect yourself from COVID-19.

Double face masks are critical in reducing the risk of spreading or being exposed to the virus via aerosols.

Since aerosolized droplets (containing viral particles) may remain in poorly ventilated rooms for minutes to several hours, the importance of wearing a mask while indoors should strongly be considered. Besides, it is highly recommended to do Indoor Air Quality Assessment (IAQ) to ensure the ventilation system within the area is functioning.